Friday, October 18, 2013


Trent's counts were up yesterday and the doctors have put him back on schedule.
I need a updated schedule, but I believe Trent will check into CHOC on Nov 1 to start the count down treatment to a Nov 12 transplant.
Trent will get some outpatient radiation treatments prior to Nov 1.
Please pray for Trent's new radiation treatments. He has not had radiation before.
Please pray for Trent's donor that their schedule and donation go smoothly. What a gift!


Teresa Hayes said...

Wishing him the best...

Unknown said...

Trent -

You need to know that I pray for your health every day and look forward to the day this is all behind you. God has you going through all of these trials for a reason and He must have some great things for you to accomplish in the coming years.