Trent still has mucositis and probably will for a couple weeks until the white cell count goes back up.
He's on antibiotics, but the immune system needs to be stronger to get rid of this infection.
His tongue is swollen due the infection, so his speech is difficult.
He's got control of the pain medication through a push button. He does not use it until he needs it.
All in all, he's going good. Getting lots of sleep. He's getting three milk shakes a day down even with the throat pain.
Please keep praying for his speedy recovery and the transplant to take hold.
Trent - Thank you for allowing our Life Group to be with you on Skype and pray for you and your family. I'm not sure how much of our time you were awake, but God heard our prayers for you to have peace.
Hang in there and know that there are many that are praying for you every day.
Praying for you Trent. Love you and get better...
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