Friday, January 31, 2014


Trent's pain is gone after some alieve and exercise. He should not take the alieve, because the doctor told us that alieve effects the platelets. That's OK because Trent has not needed it the last couple of days.
Trent is still fighting the rash, but it does not itch and it does not cause any pain, so we'll just be patient.
School is going well and Trent is eating well.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Trent got home yesterday.
His rash seems a little better with new meds, but his pain is still in his knees and feet.
The doctors seem to think the pain is due to the steroids, so they are going to try reducing his doses.
The steroids are part of the rash treatment, so it's not something that can be removed quickly.
Please pray that the rash and pain can be treated soon.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Trent's rash has gotten worse this week and he woke up with knee pain so bad that could not get out of bed.
Kristie took him to the emergency room and they admitted him back into CHOC.
He will spend the night and the doctors watch his pain and the rash.
Please pray that his rash clears and the pain goes away.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Trent has been doing well this last week.
His rash did flare up a little, so the doctors did change his rash treatment.
He got a transfusion and platelets this week as well due to lower blood count.
His energy level is still lower than normal, but that will change in time.
He is still eating good and drinking lots of fluids.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Trent had a very good week.
He got his broviac tubes removed and his checkup went well.
Some of the medicine has been removed from his list as well.
He looks great and he is eating and drinking good.
Keep the prayers coming for no more cancer!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Trent is home!
Took all day, but it's good to have him home.
He looks great and his appetite is back to normal.
Thanks for all the prayers!

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Trent's counts went down earlier this week, then starting coming back up yesterday.
The antibody seemed to work on the rash and the steroids have been reduced to 35mg today.
If Trent's counts are still good tomorrow and if Trent can drink plenty of water tonight, the doctors may release Trent tomorrow!
Please pray the Trent's counts stay strong and he understands the importance of him drinking water.
It's been over two months and Trent is ready to come home.