Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Trent looked really good yesterday.
He walked with me down to first floor and got a little exercise.
His white counts are still down, but they will go up soon.

Monday, July 29, 2013


Trent has been doing OK this weekend.
His white counts are still very low, so we need to continue putting a hold on visitors.
The doctors say it could be any time that the blood counts take off and regain their numbers.
Trent is tired these days, but Kristie has got him to eat some this weekend and his eyes are in good shape.
Thanks for all your prayers and keep them coming!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Trent's white counts are very low right now.
We need to put a hold on visitors because Trent's immune system is very weak.
He is on antibiotics and another white blood cell medicine.
Our doctor says that this is a normal reaction to the chemo Trent just had.
It just a matter of time, so please pray that Trent's blood system regains it's strength.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Trent's eyes looked really good yesterday.
He went to a show in the lobby with guests, so the eyes are improving every day.
We are just waiting for blood counts to increase so Trent can go home.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


The doctors have diagnosed Trent's eye pain as conjunctivitis.
This inflammation was brought on by the chemo treatment.
The eye drops that Trent has been getting is the treatment for this condition and he should be fine.
Trent had his eyes opened several times yesterday, so he is getting better.
Trent is done with chemo on this 5 week program, but the chemo has push his blood counts down.
Trent has had a couple of transfusions of platelets this week and at least one transfusion of whole blood.
The doctors will let Trent go home when his blood count goes back up.
Thanks for all your prayers during Trent's struggles!

Monday, July 22, 2013

From Kristie = Monday

Please pray for Trent's eyes!  In the last 24 hours he has been in extreme pain and unable to open them (This is caused by reaction to the chemo).
I would like to share what I learned last week from my Bible study:
There is nothing- No circumstance, No trouble, No testing- That can ever touch me until, First of all it has gone past God and past Christ, Right through to me. If it has come that far, It has come with a great purpose, Which I may not understand at the moment. But as I refuse to become panicky, As I lift up my eyes to him and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart, No sorrow will ever disturb me, No trial will ever disarm me, No circumstance will cause me to fret- For I shall rest in the joy of what my Lord is- That is the rest of victory.
Please pray for Jerry and I to stand firm in this!

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Trent is done with this weeks chemo treatment and is done for the 5 week session.
Yesterday he was alert and done with the weeks cat napping.
The doctors will put him on a white blood count medicine for the rest of the 5 weeks.
Trent will stay at CHOC until the doctors are happy with the white count, probably another week.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Trent started next chemo dose yesterday.
He will probably be very tired and sleeping until Friday.
He seems to be taking this chemo well.
He has been in good spirits and active since Saturday, so this week should be about the same.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Trent looked really good yesterday. His energy level is up and his spirits are good.
Next round of chemo starts tomorrow. He'll have chemo every 12 hours that will finish up on Friday.
Trent will be very tired and sleep most of the time.
After this round of chemo, the doctors will just wait until his blood count goes back up to release him from CHOC.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


It was good to see Trent smile yesterday. What a boost for the heart!
He has been sleeping most of the week. Along with the stronger chemo, I think the medicine for CJE make him tired too.
Kristie got him to sit up and eat fruit which probably gave him some quick energy. His meals have been very small at best this week. Kristie said that later Trent and her walked down to the garden for a while, so he is feeling better.

Friday, July 12, 2013

From Kristie

God is perfect in his wisdom, his ways, and his timing. God doesn't make mistakes and he is always in control. God is the Divine Designer of Trent and knows what he is doing. I trust him in this journey and for  his recovery. This trial that threaten us are actually "overruled" by God. We know that all things work together for good to those who love God.
Without his word right now I don't know what I would do!!!!


This week Trent was diagnosed with myoclonic juvenile epilepsy. With medicine, this stage can be controlled to stop seizures.
Trent is not in a real good mood right now. This is going to take time.
He has had his chemo for this week. White counts should go down and Trent may not be able to have visitors, but I’ll check today and verify.
This chemo is very strong, but Trent is taking it well with no side effects outside of a headache yesterday. He is sleeping most of the day right now.
Next chemo should be next Wednesday.
This young man is doing well with his fight with medical challenges. I’m sure he is tempted to feel angry and frustrated. Please pray that he finds peace in some fashion while he rearranges his life and looks for courage to battle on an invisible field.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Trent's tests turned up negitive yesterday, so doctors don't know why he blacked out.
Could be his low blood pressure or the neuropothy medicine Trent is taking.
The doctors are running a sleep deprived EEG today, so Trent will be sleeping most of today to catch up on no sleep last night.
Trent's blood count is up now, so he starts chemo today or tomorrow.
He will be at CHOC for two to three weeks on this 5 week chemo cycle.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Trent kind of "blacked out" yesterday and his knees gave way.
He's not hurt, but Kristie took him to the ER and they admitted him to CHOC.
He had some twitching of the muscles as well.
They ran a MRI last night and will run a EEG today.
We should know more this afternoon.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Trent had a good weekend!
The motor that Trent blueprinted and assembled started, then blew a fuse, but restarted fine and got burned-in without troubles.
We need to set carbs and timing prior to putting into the wagon.
Trent goes for blood tests tomorrow with maybe back to CHOC on Tuesday.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Trent's Friday white count is still too low at 620.
He'll get tested again on Monday with a possible CHOC visit on Tuesday.
The white count needs to be above 750 to go to the next treatment.
Once again, we are just going to enjoy the weekend at home.
Trent is finished on the motor for the Willys and we will start it on the burn-in stand in the garage so we can tune it up and fix any issues in the garage.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Trent's white count is still down, so no treatment this week.
He needs to be above 750. Yesterday he measured 500 on his blood tests.
They will test again Friday and possibly to go to CHOC on Monday.
Another week off chemo!